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Umnyaka Omutsha leziqhumo zawo......wena ukuphi mngane wami

11 years ago | 13918 Views
Ngaso sonke isikhathi lapho umnyaka uqala kuvamile kakhulu ukuba abantu bazithembise izinto zokwenza mangithi mina (setting goals of the year).Inkinga ayikho kuma goal setting but ilapha ekuwalandelani umnyaka uyophela. Lomnyaka mngane akume ukufaka iziqhumo ngeweight or ngamalooks but akufake ngezinto eziyo bonwa ngumuntu wonke and lawe uyothi umnyaka uphela uthi ya ngisebenzile lonyaka.  Into esifana labo drivers license, educate  or upgrade yourself emsebenzini wakho and uzibekele isikhathi njalo. Banhlobo ngokwenza lokhu ngilethemba ukuba kuyokwenza lawe ukuthale ukuvuka usiya emsebenzini.
Empilweni kuyadingeka ukuba umuntu lomuntu abelento afuna ukuyenza ngoba if not so epheleni life become meanless. Sesilesizwe esingela maphupho only because we have stopped having dreams/ desire. 
what makes me to wonder is we stopped dreaming and setting goalies is it  because we think we have everything or is the society that say so.Gone are the days where one knew why they lived for and woke up with a purpose for the day. 
Umbuzo wami uthi kuwe what goals have you set for yourself this year and how are you going to achieve those, and isikhathi sakho to achieve that.
Uthi omunye umlobi..lapho inhliziyo yakho isicabange lapho efuna ukuya khona, inqondo iyokwakha indlela to reach the destination.. ngoba iqondo iyathathela information. but okubalulekileyo yikuba your dream of it all be clear to you so you can achieve it. akukhethelekile ukuba yini that car that house. Ungabanaki abakuhlekisayo ngoba kusasa bayokubuza ngakho. Asifundisaneni banhlobo yimpilo ayila manual.
1 Auntiebyonew


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Anonymous user 9 years
mmm!!!hy iyafundeka iyazwakala enye phela makhi
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