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13 years ago | 17395 Views
Hie Auntie plz advice here !!!!!!!!
When we first met, he would phone me and wanted to see me all the time. If he wasn't with me, he wanted to know what I was doing and who I was with.

Hie Auntie plz help

All of a sudden, he has stopped phoning and a week can go without seeing him. I have tried to phone him repeatedly, but his phone is switched off. Eventually I called his friend and asked if my boyfriend was okay because I was worried.His friend passed his phone to my boyfriend, who told me he had been busy at working and been too tired when he got home.

I asked him if he could come and see me and he said no. He said I must wait until he has time to see me. I was upset and screamed at him and he switched off the phone. Do you think l over reacted, am i still important to him or should i just move on with my life. Am scared to lose him.

3 Auntiebyonew


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Auntiebyonew 13 years
hmmm ...well cic i can only advice you on what you said. One thing i can tell you is.... the brother is no longer interested in you. Even though he claim's that he is busy at work. For someone you love a day will not pass by, without calling and check on her. Work is just an excuse, he is just a coward telling you that is over. You asked if you are over reacting... well cic depending on how you asked him and what brought you to scream but if is only that he said... he can not come to see you then am sorry but to say you did not need to scream, remember you can not force anyone to love you. Any moment when Love start to be a question then it's no longer love. My problem with you is the fact that you are scared to lose him that is not a good sign at all cause it seem to me, that you have placed everything to him. The fact tha he never phones you is the sign of saying he is no longer interested. smell the coffee and move on with life. Is either you close the chapter yourself or hold on to somethinh that is never there......Hope this help and all the best....Thank you.
Anonymous user 13 years
Do u want him to call u 24-7, cumon he's got a life as well.
Anonymous user 13 years
If you had sex with him in less than a month or two in your relationship, he is most likely fade up with you already.
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